At my work, we employ light-weighted content licensing by applying MD5 over a crafted string. MD5 is quite long, and includes letters and digits, or example:
MD5("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.") = e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0
Since most of our users are using mobile devices, we wanted to make it easy:
- only alphabets - so the user will not be required to switch layouts (alphabet<->numbers)
- all uppercase - so it will be easy to read, and clear.
- replace the letter O - so the user will not confuse it with the digit zero.
function md5_shrinking($md5_signature)
//the input of this function is an MD5 hex (easily created with PHP's function md5($string) )
//actually, it doesn't have to be MD5 string. It can be anything from a random number
//to SHA1 to a specially crafted string/
//I want to do this:
// 37aa53dc03fd0a18617bda509c243012 -> JNAALJDCGJ
//sub-stringing to 10: easier on users
$trimmed_md5 = substr($md5_signature, 0, 10);
//upper-case so users will read it easily
$upper_trimmed_md5 = strtoupper($trimmed_md5);
//converting the digits to alphabets. And I'm going to convert to letters after F (no doubles with
//HEX A-F letters.
$regex_trimmed_md5 = preg_replace('/(\d)/e', 'chr(\\1+71)', $upper_trimmed_md5);
//And converting the letter O to X, so users will not confuse it with zero
$regex_trimmed_md5 = preg_replace('/(O)/', 'X', $regex_trimmed_md5);
return $regex_trimmed_md5;
Security issues:
- Append a salt string to your MD5 input! It will make you feel safer :)
- Make sure you understand the MD5 and this function limitations, and see if they are acceptable for your purpose (as mentioned above - I take no responsibility!)
- The sub-stringing increases the chances of collisions. This is the cost you'll pay for a human readable/type-able string.
- I ONLY think that the Birthday Paradox does not apply here, but I'm no mathematician. It could be.